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Design for Accessibility

Communication Impairments


Communication Impairments

Design for Accessibility

Partners | Funders

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Project Summary

People with aphasia face isolation from the world due to communication challenges, but tools such as search technologies used for information seeking can help them re-engage and stay informed about topics that are important, keeping up to date with current developments etc. Research into technology use by users with aphasia demonstrates that implicit language demands can pose difficulties for them, when using a variety of different applications including Google. The work to investigate this so far has a limited scope e.g. studies including one user with severe aphasia. Search technologies are complex applications that present problems for users with aphasia including errors in typing queries, problems in scanning and selecting results from searches, distractions from content and disorientation during browsing. While we have an indication of difficulties users with aphasia have when using information seeking, we lack a detailed understanding of the barriers they face and facilitators they employ when seeking information. The aim of the project is to provide an enriched understanding of barriers/facilitators users with aphasia face/utilise during information seeking.

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Improving Information Access for Users with Aphasia
An image of a Google search bar
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