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Partners | Funders

Funded by EU Framework VII STREP COLLAGE project 318536


Maiden, N., Zachos, K., Lockerbie, J., Camargo, K., & Hoddy, S. (2017). Establishing Digital Creativity Support in Non-Creative Work Environments. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 222–231.

Maiden, N., Zachos, K., Lockerbie, J., Levis, S., Camargo, K., Hoddy, S., & Allemandi, G. (2017). Evaluating Digital Creativity Support To Improve Health-and-Safety in a Manufacturing Plant. Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 7005–7014.

Zachos, K., Maiden, N., & Levis, S. (2015). Creativity Support to Improve Health-and-Safety in Manu-facturing Plants: Demonstrating Everyday Creativity. Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 225–234.

Project Summary

The COLLAGE project aimed to create new social creativity tools to help connect learning activities, resources, and systems with social computing services. These tools were designed to inspire learners, provide spaces for social interaction and expression, and use social game elements to encourage and appreciate creative behaviour.

The project team developed creative support apps such as:

Bright Sparks: This tool allows the user to explore how a well-known persona would solve a particular problem.

Be Creative: This tool aims to raise awareness about the wide range of creativity and design thinking techniques available and help users select techniques that are best suited to their project needs. 


Social Creativity and Learning
A hand reaching for a light bulb
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