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Design for Health

Sustainable HCI


Sustainable HCI

Design for Health

Partners | Funders

DEFRA, Arup, Cordwainers Grow

Funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)


No publications currently available. Please check back shortly for updates.

Project Summary

Funded through a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship, this 4-year research project investigates how digital technologies such as networked sensors, AI, and data visualisation can contribute to better planning and design of smart cities for all their inhabitants - human as well as other species. The research will be undertaken in three living labs, which are real world testbeds for co-creating research and innovation in public-private-people partnerships. These will take place in three types of site: urban community gardens, buildings, and waterways. The researchers will co-design new prototypes in the living labs that demonstrate how digital technologies can enable sustainable, more-than-human smart cities in practice and policy and in ways that work for communities.

Project Members at City


More-than-Human Sustainable and Inclusive Smart Cities
Group of people in a circle around a tree
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