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Design for Health

Communication Impairments


Communication Impairments

Design for Health

Partners | Funders

Douglas College, University of Chester


Priego, E., & Wilkins, P. (2020). Comics as Covid-19 response: visualizing the experience of videoconferencing with aging relatives. Interactions, 27(4), 60–61.

Priego, E., Wilkins, P., Martins, M., & Grennan, S. (2020). I Know How This Ends: Stories of Dementia Care (E. Priego, Ed.). City, University of London, University of Chester, and Douglas College.

Grennan, S., Priego, E., Sperandio, C., & Wilkins, P. (2017). Parables of Care. Creative Responses to Dementia Care, As Told by Carers (S. Grennan, E. Priego, & P. Wilkins, Eds.; Vol. 1). City, University of London, University of Chester, Douglas College.

Project Summary

Parables of Care is an international collaborative project that explores the potential of co-designed comics to enhance the impact of dementia care research. The project explored and embraced the communicative affordances of graphic storytelling in general and graphic medicine in specific to adapt and communicate dementia care research.

There are two comic books in the Parables of Care series: Parables of Care: Creative Responses to Dementia Care (2017) and I Know How This Ends: Stories of Dementia Care (2020). The books share stories based on real-life cases as told by carers. The intention of the books are to show the importance of feeling in care-giving, the professional aspects of which are sometimes at odds with the family systems aspect of dementia.

Project Members at City

Parables of Care

Comics to Enhance the Impact of Dementia Care
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