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Social Inclusion

Artificial Intelligence


Social Inclusion

Artificial Intelligence

Partners | Funders

Aapti Institute, IIIT Chenai, Microsoft Research

Funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF)


Chandhiramowuli, S., Taylor, A. S., Heitlinger, S., & Wang, D. (2024). Making Data Work Count. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., 8(CSCW1), 90:1-90:26.

Project Summary

AI’s remarkable computational capacities are well known, but less recognised is the human labour required to train AI systems. Crowdsourcing platforms and start-ups employ thousands of workers to label the datasets AI systems use to recognise text, images, video, etc. As accounts of algorithmic “bias” have shown, a more equitable AI depends on the recognition and deeper understanding of this labour. This project aimed to: build a network of researchers in the UK and India to study the hidden labour of data labellers; identify wider challenges in the production of training data, recognising and rewarding labellers’ crucial contribution to the sector; engage with industry partners and policy makers in India to establish a framework for fair and equitable practices.

Find out more

Working Towards an Equitable AI

Surfacing the Hidden Labour behind Artificial Intelligence
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