The next HCID Seminar talk is:
{{ item['fields']['talk-title'] }}
— From {{ item['fields']['full-name'] }}
{{ item['fields']['date-str'] }}
Room {{ item['fields']['room'] }}
The Centre for Human-Computer Interaction Design (HCID) has a tradition of hosting current and lively presentations and discussions as part of its seminar series. The talks are largely focused on Human-Computer Interaction and design related research, but also veer into related areas including discussions linked to methodology and theory, and related to science and technology studies (STS), cognition and behaviour, language and linguistics, and healthcare.
As a centre, we try to host at least one external speaker a month and two talks/workshops given by internal researchers or research students. All are meant to be open to students, academics and interested members of the public.
See past and future talks below.
See a list of speakers here and the seminar series calendar here.
Past Talks
{{ item['fields']['full-name'] }}
{{ item['fields']['group-dept'] }}, {{ item['fields']['group-dept'] }} {{ item['fields']['org'] }}
Date: {{ item['fields']['date-str'] }}
Room: {{ item['fields']['room'] }}TITLE: {{ item['fields']['talk-title'] }}
BIO: {{ item['fields']['bio'] }}
Future Talks
{{ item['fields']['full-name'] }}
{{ item['fields']['group-dept'] }}, {{ item['fields']['group-dept'] }} {{ item['fields']['org'] }}
Date: {{ item['fields']['date-str'] }}
Room: {{ item['fields']['room'] }}{{ item['fields']['talk-title'] }}
BIO: {{ item['fields']['bio'] }}